Kathleen K. Wright, JD, CPA, LLM, MBA
Director of State and Local Taxation Program
Phone: 415 442-6639
Email: kwright@ggu.edu
Kathleen Wright is the Director of the State and Local Tax Program at Golden Gate University School of Taxation (San Francisco). She has a BS (Accounting) from Florida State University, a JD from Fordham Law School (New York City), a MBA (Taxation) from New York University and a LLM (Taxation) from Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco. She is also a CPA licensed in California and New York and admitted to practice law in New York.
She has a private tax practice focusing on representation and small business tax planning and consulting. She writes a column for State Tax Notes published by Tax Analysts (Washington DC) where she serves on their Editorial Advisory Board. She publishes frequently on state and local issues with articles appearing in The Tax Adviser, The Tax Lawyer, The Journal of State Taxation and The Journal of Legal Tax Research.
She has been elected to the Board of Trustees for the California CPA Education Foundation and the Executive Advisory Board for the Franchise Tax Board. She has also been appointed to the Technical Resource Panel for State and Local tax issues of the American Institute for Certified Public Accountants. Most recently, she was appointed by Governor Brown to the California Board of Accounting (the state agency that regulates and oversees the practice of public accounting in the state).
She speaks frequently on multistate topics and continues to present seminars for the California CPA Education Foundation on a wide variety of topics.
Selected Publications
- CCH Expert Treatise Series: State Taxation of Income and other Business Entities, 2011.
- Practical Guide to California Taxes: The Impact of the Economic Recession. Commerce Clearing House, 2010.
- Multistate Workers and Their State Tax Liabilities. Journal of Legal Tax Research. American Taxation Association, 2012.
- The Unintended Consequences of Gross Receipts Taxes. American Bar Association in conjunction with Georgetown University Law Center. The Tax Lawyer, Volume 64, Number 4, 2011.
- Uncertain Tax Positions for Flow through Entities: What is an Income Tax? Tax Adviser. AICPA, June 2011.
- State Tax Notes (California correspondent)
- When is a Property Tax Payment Deductible? Published on May 21, 2012. Appeared in 64 State Tax Notes 567.
- California NOLs: Confusing and Complex, but coming Back in 2012. Published on Feb. 27, 2012. Appeared in 63 State Tax Notes 719.
- Designing Your Own Tax Formula: the Single Sales Factor Election. 2011. Published on Jan. 23, 2012. Appeared in 63 State Tax Notes 315.
- The Aftermath of Californias Proposition 26. Published on Nov. 14, 2011. Appeared in 62 State Tax Notes 471.
- The Elusive Source of Royalty Income. Published on Sept. 26, 2011. Appeared in 61 State Tax Notes 857.
- Cracks in the California Budget. Published on Aug. 22, 2011. Appeared in 61 State Tax Notes 497.
- Solutions for the Mobile Work force Withholding/Reporting Dilemma. Published on June 27, 2011. Appeared in 60 State Tax Notes 949.
- States versus Obamas Healthcare Law. Published on May 31, 2011. Appeared in 60 State Tax Notes 659.
- New dimensions for California Nexus for 2011. Published on April 4, 2011. Appeared in 60 State Tax Notes 43.
- Licensing the use of Software: Microsoft v. FTB. Published on February 28, 2011. Appeared in 59 State Tax Notes 627.
Professional Associations
- Present approximately 25 to 30 seminars per year for the California CPA Education Foundation primarily related to California tax matters.
- Consult with CPAs and Lawyers regarding client related tax matters dealing primarily with California tax issues.
- Served as Expert Witness for Franchise Tax Board (California) and Kansas Department of Revenue.
- Executive Advisory Board Of Franchise Tax Board
- Served as a member of the 13 member advisory board that meets two to four times a year to advise the Executive Officer of FTB on various issues which confront the agency. The Executive Officer appoints members to the Board.
- Editorial Board, Journal of Legal Tax Research
- Appointed to Editorial Board of the Journal of Legal Tax Research (published by the American Accounting Association) for 2012. Responsible for reviewing and editing article submissions to the Journal which has a 20% acceptance rate.
- California Board of Accountancy, Member
- CalCPA, Accounting Educators Committee, Committee on Taxation.
- American Accounting Association
- American Taxation Association
- American Bar Association