
LAW 748

Policing and Use of Force in America

2 Unit(s)

A series of deadly police use-of-force incidents has stirred the national consciousness and created widespread calls for police reform. This course will examine the various legal responses and remedies to these incidents, including criminal prosecution, civil litigation, administrative processes, and policy changes. Because this course will delve deeply into seizures under the Fourth Amendment, qualified immunity, and state policing standards, it is recommended that students have completed Criminal Procedure. Video evidence plays an important role in these incidents and lawyers cannot meaningfully analyze cases without weighing this and other evidence against the appropriate legal or administrative standards. Accordingly, students who enroll in this course will have to view and analyze video evidence as a prosecutor, civil rights lawyer, or defense attorney would in practice. Although these videos can be disturbing, they are often central to the outcomes of cases, so students should be prepared to analyze this evidence. The course will be taught by a leading expert in investigating police conduct who has advised agencies nationally and internationally and has a background in civil rights prosecution, investigation, and public defense. Recommended Prerequisite: LAW 803E Criminal Procedure.
