FP 450

Personal Financial Planning Practicum

3 Unit(s)

Through this practicum, students will learn to work with clients in determining their needs and developing appropriate financial planning recommendations. It is designed to help them make the transition from the learning phase of their career to the actual practice of financial planning. At the heart of this process is an opportunity to work with experienced mentors as students develop a comprehensive financial plan for a real client. And while classroom time will include lectures, expert panels and guest speakers, significant time will also be devoted to role-playing exercises and critiques intended to prepare students for their client discovery and plan presentation meetings. This course may be taken more than once for credit. Prerequisite(s): FP 220, FP 221, FP 222, FP 223, FP 225, FP 226, and FP 230. Alternatively, completion of a course of study that qualifies the student to sit for the CFP Board’s comprehensive exam, or passage of the CFPT exam, with the consent of the program director.


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