State Authorizations
Conspicuous statement: Golden Gate University online programs are exempt from authorization under AS 14.48 and 20 AAC 17.015
because the program is online or distance delivered and Golden Gate University does not have a physical presence in the state.
For questions or more information:
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE)
Address: 1747 N. Market Blvd., Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834
Telephone: 888-370-7589/916-574-8900
FAX: 916-263-1897
Online complaint form:
For questions or more information:
Telephone: 860-575-1127 (cell); 860-947-1824 (office)
For questions or more information:
Higher Education Coordinating Commission
ATTN: Complaints-ODA
3225 25th St. SE
Salem, OR 97302
Complaint email address:
Online complaint form:
Oregon Enrollment Agreement
Following the policies as outlined by the State of Oregon for Oregon residents, students are to sign and submit an enrollment agreement with GGU for their specific degree/certificate programs.
Enrollment agreements are provided for varying graduate levels and/or programs but do not include financial aid enrollment agreements, online admissions weblinks or offers of admissions acceptance forms.
The sample enrollment agreement includes the following:
- School catalog-version, year, identifying information of when student enrolled.
- Program student enrolling in, number of credits, start and estimated end date.
- Applicable itemized tuition and fees for program student enrolled in.
- Student’s right to cancel or withdraw.
- Procedures for cancellation, refunds and withdrawal.
- Refund policy – Oregon’s modified refund policy (refer to Section 3.2).
- Transferability of credits and credentials earned at institution.
- Policy for accepting transfer credit from other institutions.
- Complaint language and contact information.
At time of admission, the student will receive their program specific enrollment agreement, which will provide information on the above. Students are required to review and acknowledge receipt of this information prior to enrollment completion.
For questions or more information:
Utah Division of Consumer Protection
PO BOX 146704
Salt Lake City, UT 84117-6704
Telephone: (801) 530-6601
Online complaint form:
For questions or more information: