Sanjay A. Das, CFP®, MS
Adjunct Professor
Financial Planner, Hive Financial
Email: sanjaydas@ggu.edu
As a 1993 graduate of Whittier College in California, Sanjay entered the financial planning field directly out of college. Though he earned a double major in Spanish & International Studies (with an emphasis on Latin America), several economic and business courses in college led to a career in financial planning. 2023 will represent 30 years in the financial planning industry.
In 2022, Sanjay completed a Master of Science in Advanced Financial Planning (Estate Planning concentration) with high honors through Golden Gate University. He is currently a candidate for a Master’s in taxation (MST) degree from Golden Gate University. Other professional designation held by Sanjay are Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and Chartered SRI Counselor (CSRIC®). In 2003, he completed the Certificate in Personal Financial Planning program through UCLA Extension. Sanjay was employed as a financial consultant with Great Western Financial Securities and WM Financial Services in local branches of Great Western Bank and Washington Mutual Bank, respectively.
Volunteering is another important aspect of Sanjay’s life as he is very involved in the local Whittier College Alumni Chapter, a speaker at various PEPS groups (Program for Early Parent Support), and an active member of the Estate Planning Council of Seattle. In 2022, Sanjay became an adjunct professor at Golden Gate University and is teaching Estate Planning to graduate students.
Sanjay is married to Jenny Hansen Das, and they have two teenagers.