Dr. Joanna Zygmont
Adjunct Faculty
Email: jzygmont@ggu.edu
Dr. Joanna Zygmont is a clinical-community psychologist and is currently in the role of Director of Behavioral Health Integration Services for the Alameda Health System. In this role, she oversees the operation and clinical integrity of three distinct programs: Substance Use Disorder Treatment Drug MediCal program, the Outpatient Psychology Clinic and Training program, and the Integrated Behavioral Health clinical team in the primary and specialty care centers. She also is the founder of Health and Wellness Psychology, Inc, a psychotherapy, assessment, and consultation group practice in the East Bay. Dr. Zygmont enjoys the training and supervision of incoming mental health clinicians, and she is an adjunct Counseling Master’s program faculty at Palo Alto University, Golden Gate University, and the Wright Institute. She is Spanish-English bilingual/bi-cultural and has over 20 years of experience working with people of all ages from diverse walks of life, psycho- emotional health needs, multicultural backgrounds, and life circumstances. She has extensive experience being part of multidisciplinary teams providing direct care, consultation, and leadership in managed care, residential, correctional, school, and community mental health settings. She loves spending time with her daughter, enjoys stand-up comedy, and trying new dishes from different world cultures.