LLM 399

Directed Study

1-3 Unit(s)

A Directed Study is an independent study project for LLM students done under the supervision of a faculty member or supervising attorney for academic credit. Directed Study can be taken for 1 to 3 units. The project should be on a topic that involves in-depth research and analysis of some particular complexity or conflict in the law with a well-reasoned and supported resolution that adds to the field of knowledge on the topic. The student is to submit a written request to the LLM program director identifying a focused topic and briefly explaining: the complexity or conflict to be covered; why the topic merits coverage; and what conclusion(s) should be reached regarding the topic. The next step is for the student to refine the topic, if necessary, with the guidance of the LLM program director. When the topic has been sufficiently focused the LLM program director will identify a faculty member or supervising attorney who agrees to supervise the project. Directed Study can be taken for a letter grade or for a Credit/No Credit grade and must be decided at the time of topic approval. All papers submitted under this program should reflect 70 hours of verifiable work per unit of credit.


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