LLM 370A

Tax and Estate Planning Review Writer

1-2 Unit(s)

Required of all Tax & Estate Planning Review members during their first year on the Journal (2 units/Fall, 1 unit/Spring). Over the course of the two semesters, each student will write a minimum of six case summaries and two blog posts. LLM/SJD students may either write the same number of case summaries as law students or petition to write a longer academic article, case note, or comment. In either case, LLM/SJD students must also write a minimum of two blog posts. During the Fall semester, 12 hours of mandatory seminar sessions will be scheduled. The total of 3 credits will be awarded at the end of the Spring term. Enrollment is limited to persons invited to join the Journal. Membership on the Journal is determined in two ways: by first-year grades or through a writing competition that is held during the summer after the first-year. This course is graded on a Credit/No Credit basis.


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